AIChE CEP Special Report

Using Digitalization to Improve Safety, Production, and Sustainability

The common issues chemical manufacturers face when considering digitalization

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Extended asset downtime can be hugely detrimental within chemical process industries. When machines go down, the results can include disrupted supply chains and significant loss in revenue. Addressing machine health has become increasingly important as the speed of business has accelerated.

To better understand how chemical companies are using digital tools to improve safety, meet production targets, and eliminate unplanned downtime, CEP surveyed its reader base in September 2021 and the results are in. The survey, which reached more than 200 members, sought to identify the challenges that many chemical manufacturers face.

A report cover titled "CEP Special Report: Leveraging Digitalization to Enhance Safety, Production, and Sustainability" featuring graphics and text highlighting that 47% of readers reported unexpected equipment failures.

“Businesses have to be able to react in near realtime to changing conditions. Look at our supply chain issues and you’ll understand that machines that produce things are more important now than ever, and they can’t be constrained or at the mercy of their health.”

View this infographic to get an overview of the issues confronting plant services.

Infographic titled "Special Report: Using Digitalization to Improve Safety, Production, and Sustainability," showing survey results on the benefits and goals of digitalization in chemical manufacturing.