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Augury Wins Best Practices Product Leadership Award 2021

Augury wins Global Product Leadership Award

Frost & Sullivan has awarded Augury top spot for Best Practices in the category ‘Global AI-Based Machine-Health-as-a-Service Market’. What excites us most about this announcement is the prize report. It eloquently captures the widespread impact and value realization that Augury’s Machine Health has on industrial enterprise customers. 

Augury won the Best Practices Global Product Leadership Award 2021 for consistently developing “new growth strategies based on a visionary understanding of the future,” according to Frost & Sullivan’s prize report.

We’ll take that. Thank you!

“Best Quality, Reliability and Performance in the Industry”

“Best Practices Awards recognize companies demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance. The Global Product Leadership Award recognizes the company that offers a product or solution with attributes that deliver the best quality, reliability, and performance in the industry.”

We are particularly honored to receive this prize since Frost & Sullivan obviously dove in deep when writing their report. Their Growth Pipeline analysts ably describe the thinking behind our strategy and actions in “creating a world where people can always rely on the machines that matter”. The report also provides a sharp overview of the rapidly emerging Machine Health sector – and why it’s particularly relevant for current realities. 

Full-stack For Full Digital Transformation 

Frost & Sullivan uses a deeply analytical process across two dimensions to determine their prize winners. Essentially, they evaluate why a particular company is at the right place at the right time with the right stuff to have real-world business impact.

“Manufacturing companies require solutions that can guarantee the reliability of machines that matter. Augury’s full-stack, artificial intelligence (AI)-based Machine Health-as-a-Service software successfully addresses this need. With its highly accurate prescriptive diagnostics, scalability, and guaranteed outcomes, Augury drives insight-driven manufacturing,” according to the report.

“While competitors offer standalone point solutions that do not suffice to address today’s machine health challenges, Augury delivers sensing and AI as a service. Moreover, the company does not take responsibility for just diagnostics or analytics but to drive guaranteed outcomes.”

“Moreover, customers average 3X their return on investment within months. Augury is so autonomous, effective, and transformative that it drives behavioral impact and change management across an organization, from the plant floor to the corporate office. The company’s vision to cover all machines that matter, including less critical secondary equipment, further enhances its already unparalleled customer value proposition.”

Conclusions For The Future?

“The beauty of Augury is that it delivers not only business impact but also behavioral impact. Due to its ability to drive data-driven decision-making to the operational production floor level, it is accelerating digitization efforts,” says Sankara Narayanan, a Senior Industry Analyst and the lead writer of the report. 

The report’s conclusion: “For its strong overall performance, Augury earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2021 Global Product Leadership Award in the AI-based Machine Health-as-a-Service market.”

Our takeaway? Gratitude. Backed by the hope that many read this wonderful report.

Read ‘The Global AI-based Machine Health-as-a-Service Market: Excellence in Best Practices’.

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