Home » Movember – An Augury Tradition

Movember – An Augury Tradition

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At Augury, we focus on delivering the best digital machine health solution for our customers, but every November we take the time to remind ourselves, and our customers, about another type of important health — our own human health. That is why Augury has participated in the Movember campaign for the past 4 years.

The Movember Foundation is a global charity focused on raising awareness for men’s health. By sporting mustaches through the month of November, we aim to help bring awareness to men’s health issues and support research that can help address some of the biggest health issues faced by men: Prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health issues like suicide and depression.

I hope you all enjoy seeing the Movember mustaches on zoom calls or through our social media. Check out our team page if you would like to donate, or leave us a comment if there is a ’stache that you find particularly majestic!

Happy Movember!

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