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Home » Power Days 2025: Building Our Own Tomorrowland With AI

Power Days 2025: Building Our Own Tomorrowland With AI

So, what happens when you bring together an entire company to kick off the year during a time of lightspeed AI developments and innovations? You get Power Days 2025—Augury’s annual gathering to get everyone on the same page for the year ahead. The theme, “Welcome to Tomorrowland” captured precisely where we are right now: at the doorstep of a future we’re actively building.

We’re Living Through History (No, Really!)

Companies always claim to be “living through historic times,” but this time, it’s actually true. Technology doesn’t just steadily improve year after year. Instead, it cruises along for a while, and then—BAM!—everything changes almost overnight. And we’re in the middle of one of those massive shifts that our children will one day hear all about.

We’ve seen this pattern before. The written word, the printing press, telephones, computers, and the internet each changed everything. And now, we’re in what we’re calling the “Transformer era” with AI models that have made expert-level insights ridiculously cheap and accessible compared to just a few years ago. This isn’t just Industry 4.0 getting an upgrade. It’s Industry 5.0—where human and machine intelligence team up in ways we barely imagined before. 

As our CEO Saar Yoskovitz put it during our annual Power Days gathering: “We’re living through the most exciting time in human history—a period that will 10x humanity’s productivity and potential.” And we’re not just watching it happen—Augurians are actively part of it!

Reimagining… Well, Everything

Power Days split its focus into two main areas this year:

First, we went wild with imagination—brainstorming how AI could transform not just how we work internally but how our entire solution set could evolve. We weren’t thinking about small tweaks or minor features. We asked: “What if we completely reimagined what’s possible?”

Then we got practical—figuring out how to align our teams, resources, and priorities to make this stuff happen. Dreaming big is great, but we must deliver value to our customers today while building the new features that will be game-changers for in their future .

Here’s what kept repeating: AI is amazing but can’t replace human relationships or critical thinking. Our customers are just as nervous about all this change as everyone else. They’re taking this journey with us because they trust us—not just our tech. And even the best AI needs humans to ask the right questions for the best results.

Why Augury’s Perfectly Positioned for This Moment

Our new mission statement says it all: “Transforming how people and machines work together to push the boundaries of human productivity.”

What does that look like in real life? Picture this: Experts who use AI in every aspect of manufacturing—reliability experts who have access to an unthinkable library of machine performance data and deep insights on specific lines, an engineer who can instantly optimize processes utilizing years of historical data, and a continuous improvement engineer spotting inefficiencies you didn’t even know you had. 

Happily, we have some serious people-powered advantages heading into this new era:

·       Money to make it happen: We’ve raised about $300 million—because investors believe in our vision.

·       Data (the new oil): We already have a lot of the data needed to train our models, and we can get more as we connect to more systems.

·       Friends in high places: We work with some of the world’s most impressive manufacturers who trust and inspire us.

·       Smart cookies: We’ve brought together talent that understands both the factory floor and cutting-edge AI. They are the people who make Augury what it is. 

·       Proof that matters: We’re improving at showing how much value we deliver, especially with these new AI capabilities.

Change is exciting and it takes time. That’s why collaborating between people at every layer of Augury’s business is important.

Let’s Build This Thing!

The big takeaway from Power Days 2025? We need to work together, try new things, and get comfortable with experimenting with new AI tools in order to help create the best present and future for our customers. Our view is simple: Never stop dreaming about what’s possible. It’s about approaching problems with fresh eyes—and constantly pushing what we thought was possible.

Tomorrowland is here—we’re building it together!

Read more about now Augury sees the future.

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