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From Skeptic To Believer: Straight Talk From The Factory Floor 

Text "From the Factory Floor" is on the left; three icon squares, each containing a worker with a hard hat, are arranged in a stepped pattern on the right against a dark blue background, symbolizing the journey from skeptic to believer.

We’ve been talking with factory floor workers – from operators to vibration analysts – about their experiences as early adopters of Augury’s AI-driven Machine Health Solution. Invariably, they began as skeptics. So, what ended up winning them over? Answer: it made their working day easier and more fulfilling. Read all about it!

Matter of Factory…

Unsurprisingly, those on the factory floor exhibit skepticism whenever they are offered an “innovative new tool”. While fear of change might play into it, the real reason comes down to experience: they’ve learned that such a “game-changer” often makes their jobs harder, not easier. So, skepticism is only healthy and natural.

Take Ronald… He’s a seasoned vibration analyst at a leading manufacturer. He’s open about his first impression of Augury: “When I first heard that Augury’s vibration system would be implemented at our site, I was a little scared about losing my job. I was also skeptical about the quality of the vibration analytics.”

Skepticism can become a problem when workers resist using tools and capabilities that can improve their working lives. So, we sat down with Ronald and a few other of Augury’s early adopters to understand how they overcame their initial hesitations and what advice they have for their peers. 

Fear Of The Unexpected (Eliminating Unplanned Downtime)

Meet Cyril… He’s been a reliability technician and specialist in rotating machinery at a Pulp & Paper manufacturer for over 23 years. “Before Augury, we only conducted vibration measurements and analyses on our machines according to a predefined schedule based on equipment criticality. Unfortunately, sometimes unexpected issues could arise between two vibration measurements on our equipment.”

Unexpected issues are never fun. And by eliminating these unforeseen situations, Augury won over many plant workers. As Jacob, a maintenance planner from a leading wood product manufacturer, , described his pre-Augury world: “I would get many phone calls, in the middle of the night with these ‘Oh, crap!’ type of failures. And if we could predict these breakdowns or avoid those on the front end, it makes everybody’s life easier.”

Fix What Needs To Be Fixed When It Needs To Be Fixed

Markus, a process engineer and team leader, also appreciates knowing the timeline. “Augury complements the know-how of our technicians by enabling us to schedule repairs when they are truly needed. We hear them say, ‘Okay, this machine is running rough, but you can wait until the next planned downtime to fix it.’ This approach helps us to avoid unplanned downtime and extend the lifespan of our machines,” says Markus. “And now, when a problem arises, we also are not stuck in the present. Instead, we can use data collected over the past years to determine when the issue started. Working together with Augury, we can more easily identify possible root causes.”

“Augury has allowed us to have continuous monitoring and thus greatly reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns,” Cyril adds. “Following an Augury alert, we conduct an internal analysis and then exchange diagnostic information with Augury. Their expertise and experience aim to provide certainty before scheduling any corrective intervention. In three years, Augury has saved us numerous hours of downtime on our equipment.” 

Having Your Back Covered: 24/7/365

Josep oversees the continuous improvement maintenance and predictive department at his manufacturing plant. He also appreciates the 24/7/365 coverage. “If there’s an anomaly, our maintenance personnel are alerted. This allows us to anticipate failures and plan effective maintenance. Thanks to Augury, the machines are talking to us. Augury listens, and then tells us what needs to be done to improve that machine’s health.”

Sometimes, these alerts come when you least expect them, and that’s when trust comes into play the most. PJ, a Predictive Maintenance Technology Lead, shares one instance that would have cost his company a lot if Augury hadn’t already won him over: “We had a machine completely overhauled and rebuilt before turning it over to Production. A couple of hours later, it went into alarm. I went down there and checked it. I found the bolts were loose on the bearings, so I had them shut it down. We re-torqued everything, checked the alignment, and returned it to Production again. Had we not had a monitoring system like Augury, we could have lost the $250,000 we just spent on rebuilding it.” 

How The Trust Was Won

Ultimately, seeing is believing, and sharing experiences helps others feel more comfortable embracing new things. Jacob summarizes it best: “If it’s helping us and we’re seeing all these returns and downtime savings, then why not see if other plants want to do it. We can prove it to them if they are interested, and we can show the benefits of the system and how it works,” says Jacob. “We’re all under the same umbrella, and it’s raining outside, so let’s help each other out.” 

And what happened to Ronald and his fear of losing his job and his doubts about the tech itself? He was won over on both counts – and fast. “For me, it became clear: my job changed a little bit. But I still work as a vibration analyst. And I am happy to work with Augury’s system and, of course, the Augury team!”

Want to help others embrace new technology? Reach out to share your story from the factory floor.

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