A Plant Services Report

2024 Machine Health Is Business Health

Tech adoption, capacity, and workforce rise as 2024 hurdles

A worker in a hard hat operates machinery, with text overlay "2024 Machine Health Is Business Health" and subtext about manufacturers focusing on asset reliability and technology. Augury and Plant Services logos visible.

How are manufacturers maximizing machine health to meet this year’s challenges?

Based on responses from 224 industrial leaders in plant and corporate positions, the new Plant Services report reveals how manufacturers are using AI, IoT, and reliability expertise to boost workforce outcomes, reduce downtime, and improve asset data collection. 

Key findings include: 

  • 29% say new tech adoption is a top challenge, up from 11% in 2023
  • Just 14% use prescriptive asset maintenance solutions
  • 59% have sufficient insight into the cost of downtime on their business

Read the free “2024 Machine Health Is Business Health” report to benchmark your organization and get best practices on machine maintenance, PdM strategies, workforce upskilling, and more.

Get the full report

How has your labor-resource risk changed over the last year?

The vast majority of respondents (92%) say their labor-resource risk has increased or stayed the same since 2023. But “status quo” for this issue is actually bad news, as lack of progress here can represent a worsening of broader workforce-related challenges, as findings elsewhere in the report suggest.

Labor resource risk