In just a few months we reduced waste by 37%.
Because we now know why losses are happening, we can prevent these incidents before they occur.

WATCH: Barilla + Augury
Artificial Intelligence Prevents Production Losses
Barilla is committed to cutting costly waste due to scrap while improving their quality. Starting with one of their baked goods manufacturing lines, Barilla implemented Augury’s Process Health Solution (formerly Seebo), to reveal the hidden causes of production losses. The solution discovered the cause to be multiple variables that were constantly in flux—something not easily seen or interrupted by the human eye.
Barilla’s process team is taking efficiency to the next level. Using advanced AI to analyze complex, interrelated set points and data tags, they now understand hidden causes of losses and can prevent problems before they occur.
For us, the major benefit of artificial intelligence is that it reveals the hidden causes of production losses due to waste that are humanly impossible to find.
A human being can only analyze one variable at a time, maybe two, but not more. Artificial Intelligence gives you multi-variable analysis that human beings can’t do.